Main Campaign Setting
Welcome to Aetendal
This world of high fantasy is filled with lost treasures, scheming villains, forgotten stories, an array of peoples, and now you!
We are focusing on the continenet of Uzas, in the North Central region of the world.
Uzas has large cities, and expansive wilds. What you decide to build, destroy, uncover, hide, save, or put in danger is up to you.
The northern region is the seat of the human founded kingdom Beldarûn. This region is rather cold, it has biting winters, and cool summers. Not a lot of life in these parts, but there is always something up here trying t make a meal out of something.
The region just south of Beldarûn, is Nysvandar. These cold steppes are more forgiving to live in than Beldarûn region but, it is far less populated by civilizations, that said it still has two major cities.
The west most region is a special place and the seat of power for the Elven founded kingdom Arfaer Corshanta . This strange and guarded region has the most clear line as it has a very obvious magical barrier containing a vibrant and massive oak forest, that is watched and tended to by the Elves.
The central region is Hurmfar Tyn, the seat of the dwarven kingdom. This region quite temperate, large rolling plains of golden grass, and many farming communities.
Finally South Shore, this region is the newest, it used to be the untamed wilds, until after the three kingdoms war. This region is topical at its most southern tip and has a desert, it is easily the warmest region of Uzas.
Uzas's Regions
The northern region is the seat of the human founded kingdom Beldarûn. This region is rather cold, it has biting winters, and cool summers. Not a lot of life in these parts, but there is always something up here trying t make a meal out of something.
The region just south of Beldarûn, is Nysvandar. These cold steppes are more forgiving to live in than Beldarûn region but, it is far less populated by civilizations, that said it still has two major cities.
The west most region is a special place and the seat of power for the Elven founded kingdom Arfaer Corshanta . This strange and guarded region has the most clear line as it has a very obvious magical barrier containing a vibrant and massive oak forest, that is watched and tended to by the Elves.
The central region is Hurmfar Tyn, the seat of the dwarven kingdom. This region quite temperate, large rolling plains of golden grass, and many farming communities.
Finally South Shore, this region is the newest, it used to be the untamed wilds, until after the three kingdoms war. This region is topical at its most southern tip and has a desert, it is easily the warmest region of Uzas.
The Cities
The cities of Uzas differ from region to region and kingdom to kingdom, however they all have one thing in common, the are a mashup of different races, with three exceptions.
Blademoor Pass
Arfear Corshanta
Ullen Taesi
Hurmfar Tyn
Morndin Vudd Wurlur
Dhal Todihr
Vomboram (Ruins)
Namel Cove
Some of the commonly recognized landmarks of Uzas by region:
Radcana (Mountains) Summit
Brittle Plains
Ebervend (River)
Blademore Pass (Peaks)
Sige Steppes
Raiga (River)
Thor'Tel'Va (Forest)
Arfaer Corshanta
Akh'Rûn (Island)
Aegis Alu (Straights)
SumVandora (Forest)
Hurmfar Tyn
Ridgewood Mountains (Dwarves call both the mountains and the City Morndin Vudd, humans tend to add Wurlur to make it easier in conversation)
Mondin Vudlur (River from the base of the falls onward)
Splendarr Flats (plains surrounding the base of the Ridgewood Mountains)
Deg Lurgh (Marsh)
South Shore
Prismatic Sand
Gansford Grasslands
Sheer Waters (Lake and River)
Wensly Bay (Lake and River)
Namel Peninsula
Callous Ridge, massive mountain range and Island off the east coast of Uzas
Namel Cove District Map
A ) Pelrora, Institute of Magics
B ) Last Fight Inn
C ) Adventurer's Guild: Murder Merchants Branch
You will be starting on the south shore of Uzas in the city of Namel cove.
Namel Cove was founded by the remaining Artificers, Spell Slingers, Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, and all other manner of magically inclined mortal folk gathered together to make a new home for themselves and any like them after the Three kindoms war. This city does not consider it or its sister cities, to be a 'Kingdom' they are a group of those who want to make sure All who live on these lands are free to be themselves and offer a 'middle ground' to help hash out conflicts that arise at the borders of the other kingdoms.
Excerpt from a tourist's leaflet: "Getting to know Uzas"
Religion on Uzas is vast, there is not one major foothold from one to the other
All of our cities and most large towns are a general mix of races. Ranging from Goliaths to Goblins, Elves to Halflings, all are welcomed. Small communities tend to keep to themselves, but generally helpful to travelers.
Outside of their respective controlled territories, the wilds of the continent are constantly trying to take back land from civilizaticivilizationsons, travelers are recommended to stick to main roads as they are patrolled.